This is what I took:
2 roll neck sweaters (turtle necks, as they are known in North America)
2 skirts
2 pair of boots
1 tunic
1 coat
1 hat
1 umbrella
1 scarf/gloves set
some jewellery
1 long sleeve tee shirt (worn as nightwear, or daywear if it was too warm for the roll necks)
pjama bottoms
These are the second pair of boots. I haven't included them in photos, because I threw them out in France. They were worn out, and would have cost about £20 to repair. Besides I had already bought 3 pair of new boots and needed the space in the suitcase for the new ones! Photo in the British Library, next to a bronze seat that looks like an open book.
My philosophy when I travel is to take old clothes that I don't particularly care about. If I find something new and exciting, I ditch the old clothes in a bin somewhere and just come home with the new ones. If I don't find anything, no worries, the old clothes just come home again.
I did wear everything, even the hat. It's a great squashy one that packs flat and is good for drizzle. Those times when you don't really need an umbrella. Or it is too windy for one.
The small striped purse I wore under my coat. It contained my wallet and money. My passport was in my security pouch which I wear under my clothes. If I were to have my bag snatched, they would grab the large bag, which contained my umbrella, camera, lunch, guidebook, makeup and anything else that I thought I might have need of.
The over-the-head small purse meant I was never worried about setting my purse down somewhere and forgetting it. It left both hands free and I could wear it while we had coffee or lunch. The big bag would be on the floor near my feet (or sometimes between my feet). Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but when we went to Paris, my knapsack was always being opened. I didn't lose anything valuable that time, but it does make me aware that while travelling, being safe rather than sorry is a good motto to follow.
Does anyone else have any tips for travelling?