This is a meeting of the Red Hat Society ladies some time ago. For those not familiar with the Red Hat concept, it comes from a poem by Jenny Joseph that begins, "When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple
with a red hat that doesn't go and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension money on brandy and summer gloves
and satin candles and say we've no money for butter......"
The whole premise is that she has been too frugal, too conscienscous, too careful, too mild-mannered all her life, and in her old age is going to behave outrageously, and if folks, don't like it, tough!!
So, here I am at the Red Hatters (I'm the one in gray... in keeping with the rebellious note of the poem, I'm not wearing purple!) All we seem to do is drink coffee and gossip and giggle, but that seems to be enough. Occasionally, they go bowling, although I'm not up for that.
Interestingly, even though the whole ethos of the poem is "rebelliousness in old age" I find it amusing that as soon as the meeting is over, most of the ladies take off their red hats and put them in a bag to carry home. They are rebellious, but only in the safety of a group. Other than that, they want to look like everyone else!